Replay Redux

I recently completed a replay arc consisting of the following seven seasons: 1901, 1911, 1920, 1930, 1941, 1949, and 1957. This arc allowed me to play a group of seasons with a kinda-sorta ten-year gap between each season. This, in turn, allowed me to traverse the first half of the 20th century and to experience the evolution of baseball over this time period. These seasons all pre-date the expansion era but do include both pre- and post-integration seasons. Background: Each of these seasons was replayed using APBA Baseball for Windows (BBW). Each replay was preceded by 3-4 months of prep work, with 6-7 months required to complete the gameplay. Micro-Managers were not used as all games were played manually. I used the APBA Transactions Manager ( ATMgr ) to automatically load my lineups before each game, which helped to streamline my gameplay. The time allotted to complete the replay is a comfortable pace for me that allowed me to keep playing but also allowed me to take a day off...